About Us
We're the right fit for innovation driven research & development projects ...
My Smart Remote Limited is a research and innovation driven company that has won a number of innovation awards including Toyota Innovation Challenge Award for a Smart Auto Start solution; British Invention of The Year at The Gadget Show Live, Birmingham, United Kingdom; Seal of Excellence, European Commission and an innovation award from the Department for International Development for its highly innovative solution Smart Eye for Drivers that generates an alert on detecting driver’s sleepiness or distraction off the road.
The “My Smart Remote” (MSR) team has excellent research & development and innovation skills. Expertise in these skills is validated by a number of awards. The MSR team has worked on over 50 successfully completed projects. MSR has established contacts with industry partners, auto businesses, auto manufacturers and auto testing companies.
The company’s key projects are Smart Auto Start, Smart Eye for Drivers and My Smart Remote (MSR). MSR is a mobile app controlled vehicle security and vehicle control solution. In “My Smart Remote”, a mobile app interacts with a hardware kit installed inside the vehicle. This provides enhanced vehicle security and gives users the ability to control and monitor various vehicle functions such as switching on the engine, turning on vehicle AC or heater, locking or unlocking the vehicle doors, opening trunk, turning on headlights, panic and many more.
MSR improves the security of your car and turns your car into a smart car. Thieves bypass security of existing vehicle security solutions with modern car stealing techniques such as key cloning, relay key crimes, signal jamming, opportunistic thefts and OBD port thefts. The security of My Smart Remote is not compromised by these modern car stealing techniques. Even password hacking does not help thieves because there is more to the security than just a password.
Existing auto security solutions are using technologies of 80s/90s. These solutions are outdated (products of 80s/90s) and thieves have learnt by passing them. Over 4 Million cars are stolen every year. This means every 2 seconds a vehicle is reported stolen. Every year, over 1.5 Million vehicles are reported stolen in Europe alone.
The innovation of My Smart Remote is not in the use of mobile app. Innovation of My Smart Remote is in its security concept that is not compromised by modern vehicle stealing methods.